So i have a local sign shop with a plant that was working fine and the person working on it a few hours a week got it going again for a while but there's still issues. From what I understand after only seeing it for a few minutes, and what they are saying, is that they can't get the MA meter to go above 2-250 while pumping.
There are no leaks in the manifold nor the units. What they have is a transco system, with a slide choke. I prefer the Variac system best, but have used the slide choke for the past few years. The difference for me is that we have cut pieces of wood for each MM of tubing being used and it works perfectly. Vacuum and everything else is fine and clean (I'm pretty sure).
Wondering if I should try this there for them. Besides trying that, everything was cleaned. What steps should I take to find the problem properly?