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In the fires

Is this thing on?

Yes.  The site and forums are operational.  We do not yet see as much use and traffic as I'd like...but hopefully more people will check in.  One item in the works is to set up a notification system so that members can see when a post has been responded to or when something new is here--I think this would help with getting more people to utilize these forums as they'd not be obliged to check to look for things and could always ignore the notification if they were not interested.

Another item we hope to add is a buy/sell/trade forum page as well.  Some details still need to be sorted out but it is in the works.

And as always, if you see a website problem, please use the forum for those technical issues to report any relevant details.

thanks, rh

Glenside, PA

The notification system has been implemented! yay! All folks need to do is click the "subscribe" button at the top of the forum to receive email notifications when someone posts. Right now, you'll need to subscribe to each individual forum, rather than being able to click one button to subscribe to all 5 at once. I signed up and it is working!

a helpful feature, thanks admins for adding it!

one difficulty i encountered: it didn't work when clicking the button on the MacOS version of Safari, but it did work on iOS Safari.  after subscribing on iOS, it shows as "Subscribed" on the MacOS version, but the button doesnt work to unsubscribe on MacOS either.

maybe its user error, maybe the software version, maybe something else entirely, who knows!  the joy of debugging, haha.

anyway, just letting you all know in case anyone else reports problems.  thanks again!

Oakland, CA

Howdy!  When the buy/sell/trade forum page is available, can members be notified when it goes online?  There's a bunch of stuff I'm happy to part with that folks may be interested in :)  Cheers, -Robert

Glenside, PA

Hi Robert. Yes, definietly! The classifieds forum will be going up soon and we will make an announcement when it does. Glad you have stuff for it!