This is a fun little video demonstrating a cheap Neon Transformer operation with a little bit of hacking to run a lamp brighter. This is a really great channel for everything circuitry, even though half the time it's way over my head, the more I keep watching the more I catch as the years go by. Enjoy!

This is a really intersting and thoroughly researched video on AC Transformers, which is a really dense topic that Kathy covers with immpeccable siting of sources, even with links to all the transcripts and sitations for your enjoyment. If you like this video go give Kathy a follow and check out some of her other videos on these topics. There is also a video on 3-Phase electricity that I recommend, which touches more on the relationship between Westinghouse and Tesla, along with many other historic figures involved in the field to be remembered. She also just came out with a book called "The Lightning Tamers" which covers over 400 Years of electrified history!
"Kathy has earned four higher education degrees in physics, engineering, and science education, but she feels as if her real education came from spending 12 years as a public high school physics teacher. She is an alumnus of the University of Chicago, Penn State, and the University of Utah."
Bio from https://kathylovesphysics.com/bio/

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