Ham radio folks, neon folks, antique collectors, book people, old car people, artists......ALL of them are hoarders. And I am all of those. And probably a few more that also fit the profile. One item I've collected over the years is neon related technical books, old supplier catalogs, vintage shop notes, and equipment instructions. Like...a LOT of them....over 10,000 at last count. During the last 3 years, I started a project to scan them and eventually create some sort of accessible library for what has become very scarce information. So needless to say, the fact that we now have the beginnings of a library here at the Neon Maker's Guild is a wonderful and exciting development given that the matter is near and dear to me.
The library section is just getting started and we are slowly adding to it. More will be added as time and drive space permits. If you go to the section to browse, it is not arranged by any category so who knows what you'll find as you walk the digital aisle. If, however, you know what you are seeking, it is searchable and the functionality should allow you to access what you want to read. When you seek the answer to a question that seems modern in nature you may be surprised just how much was known about it and how long ago that information was known. Be they physical or digital, libraries are a most sacred space with the keys to many secrets.
If you seek a specific piece of neon information and lore and you don't find it in our library, PLEASE reach out to me....it is entirely possible that the information is in one of our collections and we've just not uploaded it yet.....and in the case of our not having it...I love a book and information hunt, and I'll make it a project to find it.
Enjoy your visit to our glowing shelves.