EveFebruary 16th 2024

I am very pleased to announce that our first election was a success, and excited to welcome Sean Bradley (vice-president), Annie Saunders (secretary), Zoelle Nagib (treasurer) and Kat Kazlauskas (at-large) to the NMG Board of Directors.  In doing so, we also say goodbye to 3 of the Guild founders, Alleson Buchanan, Nick McKnight and Cameron Clow. I am so appreciative of their hard work and contributions toward getting the Neon Makers Guild started and wish them the best. The other 3 founders, Robert Haus, Danielle James, and yours truly Eve Hoyt (President) are excited to get to work with the new board members. This year we are working to acquire our 501c(6) status, which will help give the Guild the foundation to be an organization that I hope will be around for years to come. We will carry on with our mission to foster a community of support to this wonderful craft of neon making, of helping one another, and providing the information and resources we need to keep our beloved craft of neon alive and relevant in the age of LED's and diminishing tradespeople.


A word from our outgoing Vice-President, Cameron Clow:

This election was a big milestone for the NMG. From the very beginning of Guild, all directors agreed it was very important to make the guild a fully democratic association allowing regular input from its members. This election was a good first step. Committee work and involvement is probably the next big important goal for the guild but for now we can take a breath and feel good about where the Guild is going and how. Please take a minute to reach out and congratulate our new directors and wish them well as they take on these important roles. To our members we say please consider what you can bring to the guild...committee involvement is just around the corner and every voice in our community is important!! 

Cheers and see you in the fires! 

In solidarity, Cameron Clow

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